
    Grolsch, Enschede, The Netherlands




    Enschede, The Netherlands


    Lighting of pressure tank basement with LS Industry

    The daylight controls also left something to be desired, because the fittings had to be controlled separately. That’s why we started to look for an alternative solution with a proven quality, which we found in the Bever Innovations LS Industry LED light fittings, all of the functionality in which is smartly integrated.”

    According to him, the choice of the LS Industry LED fittings was a logical one. “This is due to the good optics, light packages and excellent reliability. Furthermore, the LED fittings have been installed in Shell petrol stations for some time now, with the extremely high quality standards that are involved. This is an excellent testimonial, which certainly persuaded us.

    Minimal costs, maximum security

    Following the yeast towers, the pressure tank basement at Grolsch has also been fitted with LS fittings. This is mainly due to cost considerations, according to Kalma. “The traditional TL lighting was on in here 24 hours a day, seven days a week, whilst workers were only in here once or twice per day to carry out inspections.
    The LS fittings with EOS technology provide a solution to this. The fittings switch on quickly to a pre-determined light level as soon as our workers enter the area, after which they automatically dim when there is no movement. This gives an energy saving of up to 90% as a result. This also considerably enhances safety, thanks to an even light level on the work floor.”

    Balanced lighting plan

    The pressure tank basement was originally equipped with standard LS Classic fittings, explains Jeroen de Jonge, Sales Director of Bever Innovations Industrial. “The problem with these fittings however, was that the lighting switched on behind the employees, instead of in front of them. That’s why we soon replaced the LS Classics with EOS fittings in a balanced lighting plan, which also provided the inspection tables with extra illumination.” Kalma: “The pressure tank basement provides us with the opportunity to test the EOS technology in detail, so that we are really on top of the technology when, in the future, we convert our other areas to EOS fittings, step by step. The first discussions about this are already taking place.”


    Energy saving: The lighting is only on when and where it is needed.

    Safety: The strength, clarity and reflection of the LED fittings creates an even illumination in the area, which enhances safety.

    Extreme conditions: The fittings are perfectly resistant to the low temperatures in the Grolsch Brewery.


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